Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Welcome to Melbourne

So I decided to blog about my adventures because I figured it would be a great way to not only share my stories with absurdities (and ramblings), but could also serve as an efficient outlet for ideas or theories. At once after registering my blog, I was confronted with the issue of what to entitle it, and of course, being the Linzi that I am, I was searching for something with deeper meaning than just a title. I deemed it best to go with Off Shore Discoveries because 1) I am off shore and 2) I am discovering a lot, (Thank you Captain Obvious). No, I was reading a book today that used the quote above from Andrew Gide "People cannot discover new lands until they have the courage to lose sight of the shore", and it makes such sense to me that I wanted to include it in this blog because I feel that it's truth is inevitable. For those of you that may not catch on to cheesy quotes, it's only another way of saying that if you want to reach your dreams, you only have to be courageous enough to let go of the life you know- which is perhaps the motivation that drives me to the lifestyle I find myself in. And is perhaps synonomous with me leaving NY to head to Australia in search of Eastern culture and inspiration, all the while enjoying the random moments of life in between. I find that each day brings far too much to be fully blogged, and such strenuous typing I have not the time for,(nor do you really want to read 101 pages each day), so I will commit to blogging every few days or so, with the inclusion of fabulous pictures. Pictures could consist of honestly anything from poisonous spiders to fashion, and I'll try to get some good ones for you!
Now that we've had somewhat of an introduction, I'll proceed to say that yes I made it to Melbourne unharmed and alive, so that is always good to know for those of you that may have been concerned about my standings. I've been in MELBUN as they say(I've been informed several times that I'm not saying it right) for 11 days now and it's amazing to say I've settled in already and am beginning to adjust to the cute city. Although I envy the predicament of being unemployed and homeless, I find I live best off of having a home AND a job! I managed to find an apartment in a record setting 5 days, not forgetting to mention that its not just an apartment, but that it's a BAD ASS apartment(one which I wouldn't afford in NY), so that makes it all the more of a great feat. I've settled into a room with my new friend Sandra and we share the place with 2 Asian roomies- so I would predict that this equation alone is going to make for some interesting stories in itself, but I'll just have to keep you posted on that! So as of now I find the city life to be quite chill, but the nightlife here is another scene to which may be half lame/half loopy. I'm just diving in here though, so it can't be too cold, and I'm sure it will heat up as I get to know the hot spots, or preferably the places where Aussie 16 year olds are banned(but apparently they infiltrate everywhere!)


  1. Although I envy the predicament of having a home AND a job, I find I live best off of being unemployed and homeless...

  2. Very informative first post. It's time for a new post! What has happened to you in the last few days; how is living 'down under?' I'm saving up to come and visit!

    P.S. Did you get my message saying I LOVE the scarf?
